

GO 49ers

GO 49ers


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tami. I grew up in a small farming community. I have three brothers and one sister. When I was two years old, my mother founded a baton & drum corps. The whole family was involved. My mother, my sister, and I twirled the baton. My brother's were drummers or banner carriers. In the beginning, the baton corps marched with music. My dad followed the corps, in our van, playing music from a large tape recorder. I twirled baton from the age of 2 yrs until 17 years old. I marched in our baton corps, at our middle school, and at our high school.

Throughout my life, my family had horses and ponies. Soon after we purchased the horses, it became clear that it would be only my sister and me grooming, riding, and feeding. We rode in gymkhanas, showed our horses, participated in 4-H, rode barrels in the rodeo, and rode for pleasure.

In our farming community, we had a live theater called PCPA. At the age of 10, I began acting in our theater. After my first play, I was hooked. I had the privilege of acting with and learning from Equity professional actors. I continued acting with Access Theater in Santa Barbara, VSA at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington DC, and Disney in Burbank. I can definitely say, that those were amazing times in my life.

When I was in junior high, our PE coach decided to start  a gymnastics team. We competed with local junior high schools. As a freshman in high school, I joined our gymnastics team. In my sophomore year, I was able to compete in CIF gymnastics, and I received our Most Improved Gymnast award. Then, in my junior year, I received our Most Valuable Player award. I had high hopes for my senior year in gymnastics. Unfortunately, when I was practicing with a junior college team, my after flight coach did not spot me. That is when my neck was broken, and I was paralyzed. I was 17 years of age.

After hospitalization and rehabilitation, I went back to school, pursued acting, minimally persisted with horseback riding, and began to learn who I was again. Yet, I believe we continue to learn about ourselves the rest of our lives.

I eventually earned my BS in Child Development and my MS in Child Life.


I am Tamara's niece, Carey. I was born after her tragic gymnastic accident and have only known her as my aunt who leads an active life with paralysis. As a child, I understood that my Aunt had a disability, and that her everyday life was more challenging than other physically capable adults. Her disability did not stop her from being the best Aunt a child could have. I only remember her to be mentally strong, trustworthy, and caring. Aunt Tami loved to have her nieces and nephews visit for a week at a time during our summer vacations. She considered us the children she never had. I was always excited when it was my week, because she catered our time to ensure my dreams came true. She lived in Los Angeles, where we shared some of my most memorable experiences: Ice skating, gymnastic lessons, a Ferrari dealership, and the children's museum. You gotta know that I love fast cars! Tamara is a significant family member in my life, and I am very thankful for our memories